Study visits

The research team participates in international projects that provide financial support for research stays. The memberships in the relevant organizations and associations provide additional opportunity for being awarded scholarships for research or study visits.

Currently, the following funding opportunities are open for visiting researchers:

  • Short term scientific mission – STSM funding scheme within the project The Neural Architecture of Consciousness. The research visits lasting from 5 days up to 3 months are possible between countries that are members of the COST action. For more information see:
  • The research visits for Master and PhD students within CEEPUS network Neuroshare lasting for up to 30 days. For more information see:
  • IBRO scholarships for young researchers who want to learn how to apply different techniques of non-invasive neuromodulation. For more information see:

The group members are also open to hosting researchers and students funded by their own grants and projects